Rebuilding Rancho San Pedro, Brick By Brick

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Community members worked together to identify where future development should be concentrated and distributed throughout Ranch San Pedro using Legos

During the second workshop, participants delved deeper into what density is, what it could look like, and what does that mean for the redevelopment of Rancho San Pedro. Participants were asked to guess the residential density of different existing buildings located within their community, and then worked with Legos to build their vision for the future Rancho San Pedro that varied depending upon desired amenities including commercial space, amenities, and open space. 

Participants were provided Lego blocks whose colors represented different types of uses [parks, amenities, commercial, residential] to construct their respective vision for the future Rancho San Pedro. They were provided a collection of blocks representing the types and number of uses based on the consensus that participants of Workshop 1 supported.

Participants were provided Lego blocks whose colors represented different types of uses [parks, amenities, commercial, residential] to construct their respective vision for the future Rancho San Pedro.